Another Car

This will not be to for young eyes. I helped Angie get a car earlier this year. Knowing full well she jumped the gun, did not have it checked out and fell for her crap, “I really want this car and will be really pissed if I don’t get it…” yada yada yada. Well she got it and what a lemon that turned out to be. Now she wants another and expects me to chip in 2000.00 for her loan.

Chip in for her loan, no now she wants me to sign for a loan so she can get a car. No way, I spent the better part of the last 8 years getting out of debt and establishing my credit. The next load I get will be for a house and I don’t want any credit cards/loans tied to me when I do. This will help my retirement as well.

I finished reviewing the book “Mastering Unity 2017 Game Development”. It is a fairly good book provided you are very familiar with Unity, the interface and most of the ins and outs. I think if you are just starting out this book could be quite difficult but for those who are more advanced and know Unity well and have a very good grasp of C# it is a handy book to have.

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