Learn one thing well turned into two things and a GREAT Heart Rate Monitor

The two things are now ASP.NET MVC-6 and SharePoint. The SharePoint came from work and I’m not all that upset about it. I can still hone my skills in C# at the same time I am using that skill set and at the same time enhancing while I am at work. The best of both worlds.

Angie seems to be getting along ok without me getting a loan for her car. She was very sick and still had to move, hopefully she will be done by Tuesday because I don’t have her rent now that she has used it up for the move.

She has also turned on her phone number again, hope she keeps using it. She would never had had to do it if she did not turn it off to begin will but such is life.

I found my favorite workout tool. The Sosche Rhythm+ heart rate monitor. It cost me 79.00 (a lot more than that, explanation coming) but is well worth the time and money. Why did it cost so much? Chalk this up to your typical instant gratification syndrome. I wanted a heart rate monitor for use with my Peloton. Their monitor was 48.00 and I figured I could get one cheaper and better from Amazon and purchased a 28.99 and delivered on 10-20-2017. I gave it a couple of tries and it would barely sync to the bike. I then checked with Peloton and found one they recommended, a Garmin, purchased this and it was delivered on the 22nd. I opened the box and tried this that evening with basically the same results. This time the monitor paired with the bike but over 30 minutes showed a heart rate of 44 and a whopping 57 cal burned in 30 minutes. Note, both of these were of the chest strap kind and I really don’t like them.

This next time I decided to do some research and found one which was not a chest strap but you wear it on your forearm, no wetting of electrical contacts or the use of gels. I found a very large number of great reviews for this one and the less than positive review seemed more like user error than a problem with the device. Another plus was a review that specifically mentioned that it would pair with the Peloton instantly. I purchased this and in the mean time I also purchased Peloton’s own monitor (chest strap).

The monitor like I said earlier is the Sosche Rhythm+ and it is all everyone said it is. Paired instantly with my Peloton and matched the Fitbit heart rate precisely. This may have cost me 29.99 + 42.99 + 79.95 or 151.93 but it is well worth the actual cost of 79.95. Oh, the Peloton chest strap arrived on Saturday as well but I have not tried it out (It is a chest strap).

Have a great week and I’ll update you with how this item has fared throughout the week next Monday.

I’ll say it again – Learn one thing well

I have finally decided to learn one thing and only one thing well. I have not decided on what that one thing will be but will let you know what it is when I do. This one thing does not include Unity or Unreal, Python or C#, Maya or Blender.

For Modelers I’ll focus on Blender. For Game engines I will focus on Unity 2017 and dabble with Unreal Engine. For programming languages they will be C#, Python and JavaScript.

Those are obviously more than one thing so to clarify, I want to concentrate on one framework to build web applications. Now it is time to decide on what/which one. I think I am going to stick with ASP.NET MVC-6 for now.

Good one this last weekend, I told Angie I would not get a loan for a car for her, explained why and all went well. I then said if she wanted to come on down I could rent a car for her for the weekend. She then goes on to say “I need one for longer than a week. Can you give me 1200.00 and then rent a car for at least a week?”. Crap, you give someone an inch and then they try an take a freaking light-year.

Another Car

This will not be to for young eyes. I helped Angie get a car earlier this year. Knowing full well she jumped the gun, did not have it checked out and fell for her crap, “I really want this car and will be really pissed if I don’t get it…” yada yada yada. Well she got it and what a lemon that turned out to be. Now she wants another and expects me to chip in 2000.00 for her loan.

Chip in for her loan, no now she wants me to sign for a loan so she can get a car. No way, I spent the better part of the last 8 years getting out of debt and establishing my credit. The next load I get will be for a house and I don’t want any credit cards/loans tied to me when I do. This will help my retirement as well.

I finished reviewing the book “Mastering Unity 2017 Game Development”. It is a fairly good book provided you are very familiar with Unity, the interface and most of the ins and outs. I think if you are just starting out this book could be quite difficult but for those who are more advanced and know Unity well and have a very good grasp of C# it is a handy book to have.

Many items on the plate

I need to start concentrating on something. If I have too many items on the plate to concentrate on, nothing gets concentrated on. This weekend was great. I did nothing stupid, washed everything, kept the apartment clean, an extra workout and did not eat too much. After such a great weekend I ended up doing none of what I wanted to do. Working on the Tooling Material master form, Packt Publishing book review etc.

Time to start planning my work and working the plan.

An answer has presented itself

Angie is going to be moving in with her older brother rent free. Thank you Lord. I’ll go ahead and pay for her storage fees. That frees my bank account up to save for a house purchase and other necessities.

I told my sister this last weekend about buying a house and it started getting me excited. Now I have to decide, how big, town home or regular. Size of yard, two story or one etc.. A lot of decisions to be made along with trying to figure out some residual income during retirement. I’m looking at book writing, website creating/maintenance or some type of freelance programming. All these decisions need to be made within the next year. I’m looking at a year and a half time frame for the house purchase and another year for figuring out the retirement income. Retirement won’t be for another eight or nine years but I need to figure something out now.