The Politics of Management – Not for me

These last four or five weeks have been very challenging for me, particularly last week.


About five weeks back our temporary manager moved back to his home state and our company president arrived at my desk soon after letting me know she was giving my name out to our customers as the new temporary manager. I wasn’t all that concerned because I know the people I work with and was quite certain I would not need to hold anybodies hands. I was looking forward to a nice quiet four or five weeks until they hired the new permanent manager.

Two weeks ago a problem, or as some would put it, an opportunity came up. This was not a serious problem and we were able to migate any adverse affects this situation would have on our customer and everyone was happy.

Last week we had a shit storm when I had taken two days off for my birthday. We had incorrect items going out to the customer with all parties involved in building and shipping these items aware of the problem with the exception of my organization. We (my people) met with program management and engineering to address the issue on Friday the 11th of August. During the meeting all the wrong decisions were made because engineering did not know the meaning of information within their own engineering. Tuesday our customer requested proof of our changes and when they could expect to see the new parts. We ended up telling them we would not be sending the new parts because of our suppliers did not provide them in time. 

This is when the crap hit the fan and I was hot on it getting a rework plan in place so we could get the correct parts in time for their use at our customers and in walks program management.

These morons derail everything I had in work, going to deliver incorrect part, parts our customer does not want all because we want to keep on schedule and not delivery quality parts.

There is much more to this story but in getting to detailed I may reveal information I would rather keep to myself. Suffice to say, schedule is king and screw quality and safety.

JavaScript training is going good. I have found that if there is an error in a .js file the script won’t run in the .html. There is no error generated, it just does not run or stops at the error point. Then you need to hunt the error down. Not as friendly as CSharp error wise but I am enjoying it. I have started using the .js files instead of embedding the JavaScript code into the html file as I think this is how it should be done all the time. At the same time I am going to start getting familiar with css files and create a little website while learning all of this great stuff.

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