I feel it is time to get back to what I brought this site online for. Blender and all things associated including Python scripting, branching into Unity and Unreal Engine (UE4) for games causing some forays into CSharp scripting and Blueprints for UE4 but I’ll steer clear of C++. I feel the courses I have been taking for Python, CSharp and VBA areas much as my brain can take for now.
I recently obtained assets for Unity pertaining to VR and they look very promising. I believe you get what you pay for with most things in life and if these assets live up to the prices on the asset store I received some good deals.
My apartment is fairly small even compared to the hotel room I had earlier and given this I should be able to model it quickly. I would then create a VR walk through which should be a much easier project than the entire hotel I had planned for the last couple of years. You can look forward to the posting of my work in progress during the next few weeks as the model progresses.
Personal Note:
I did not have to break anything to Angie last week. She was upset about not getting the 3700.00 or 400.00. I just don’t have the extra cash to give out. It was a tense afternoon last Tuesday when she was asking with her making the comments that she was going to stay married cause that is what I want, going go be with her dad, crap like that. In the end I said nothing, let her cool off and the next time she called all was well. Sunday she told me that the idiot wasn’t going to fight the divorce and wanted it done by the first of December. Lesson learned here and I actually learned this from Desiree’, keep calm, don’t loose your temper and she will eventually calm down.
Small Update: Angie called last night 7/25/2017 telling me he may have received the money to file for divorce before she can and she will be pissed. Was the a warning for me?
Until next week!