The Holiday weekend started off good but…

The long holiday weekend started off great. I had two great workout sessions on my Peloton Friday, a 30 minute and 45 minute both with Hanna. I decided to order some Red Robin on Saturday and settled in for a great 4 days. I slept late every day, at lease till 7:00am and by Sunday was in the groove to start some coding and getting caught up in some classes and then…..

Angie called and her dad passed away Sunday morning July 2, 2017. I could tell she could not talk and just wanted me to know so I wasn’t shocked by seeing anything on Facebook. He had a massive heart attack in the morning, I don’t know anything more than that. I felt very bad for her, I know she was very close to her dad and that he would do anything for her. He bailed her out of messes multiple times and because of this I’m sure she is quite scared as well. To make things worse she sends me a message telling me she can’t talk but can she have 1800.00 or 900.00 to bury her dad. Now I’m not sure which she wanted because she asked for both but I found it odd she would ask me for that kind of money for that and not talk to me about it made it even worse. All I could think about was if he was with her and that is why she could not talk and at the same time he was there she is asking me for money. She has three brothers and her dad was retired from The Boeing Co. which means he has life insurance to cover things like this. The fact he may have been there while she is asking me just made it worse. I feel very bad for her but I’m afraid this may affect our/my plans for us.

I spent Monday and Tuesday coding in CSharp trying to recreate a tic tac toe game from a book I am reading. I have already done this from a Udemy class and this book is taking a different approach and I am taking a completely different one using CSharp.

I found out Saturday I was correct, she was with him while she was texting me for money and I’m not really sure how I feel about that. With that in mind a was a bit mean to her, calling her a user, using me for the last 20+ years. The fact that her fathers passing has affected me more than she knows is no excuse for the what I said, in a way she has used me but I have also let her as she knows I will try and do or give her whatever she asks for. I hope she forgives me for what that statement.