I was wrong about liking when Angie is quiet

The last statement I made last week about Angie is the fact she has been quiet and that means she doesn’t cost me as much money. Well the fact of the matter is I don’t like it when she doesn’t talk. She said she is really busy but so am I and I still find the time to at least say good morning.

What did piss me off this weekend was the fact I still have to wait six freaking months even though she said if I helped with the rent it would not be six months. I guess that was 1) a lie or 2) she misspoke. One thing I do know is I did not misunderstand. I’ll give her her six months, remain quiet, save my money but after that the divorce must happen or the rent will stop.

I am taking Mosh’s intermediate C# class again and enjoy it as much this time as I did the last time.

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