The first month

Angie has been in her apartment for a month as of Thursday of this week and I am finding her attitude much nicer to deal with. If I can’t send her money right when she wants it she does not cop an attitude, she just says ok and works with it. No yelling or anything. Even when Andy wanted another 500.00 last week, I said no and was met with a nice and calm response. At the same time I am making sure I can put aside extra money for savings each week that she will have no idea about. This little stash will help me work through things as Christmas, birthdays and just keeping a little cash on the side for emergencies which she does not believe in doing. She will thank me in the end when we can pay for presents that she could never do before.

Very nice weekend

We have auditors coming into work starting Monday morning which will make this week a bit hectic but I have had to deal with them before and can do it again. Looking forward to a great week!