Concentrate on other areas now

Now that things seem to be going really well now I can start concentrating on Blender and coding again. While trying to work things out with Angie I started a new course in Python programing. This instructor is quite good and at the same time I am converting each lesson in the Python course into an equivalent C# program an so far so good. It helps a lot keeping up with C# skills and a the same time learning Python. What I don’t understand while doing this exercise is why people who program primarily in one language don’t like another. C# is a strongly typed language using curly brackets and other special types of syntax in the code but Python is not strongly typed and used white space and indentation where C# would use curly brackets. I think partially because of this Python is at time easier to read as well as shorter line count wise. I have also decided to create the same examples in VBA as well. Having those three languages under by belt (plus a smattering of SQL) could make me a more rounded programmer regardless of what I wanted to work in be it Blender, Excel addins or a C# application for my windows computer or phone.

My mood was fantastic this weekend, she called four times, twice on Saturday and twice on Sunday.

This is going to be a fantastic week!