Getting comfortable

Angie is starting to get comfortable, asking for money when she needs it, not talking much unless she actually needs something, things that used to piss the heck out of me. Now I’m just happy she seems to be back. Last week she asked for money for Mothers day, I sent her what I could and asked her to ‘not over spend’. The last time I did this was for Easter and boy was that a mess when she was short and I did not react instantaneously. What happens? She over spent by 25.00 or so, I made the comment that I had asked her not to overspend and that I’ll take care of it. Her response was ‘Oh hell no’, my response right back was ‘Oh hell yes, I am not going through what I went through the last time you were short again’. She then apologized which is something quite new.

Next up she sends me a message yesterday that she needs to get the baby mattress ordered because she is coming today or tomorrow. Well I can’t do that because I gave her everything for Mothers day, now what do I do. CRAP!!

I need to temper what I give her, saving what I can and just not give her everything I can and hold back to place into savings. What she does not know I have won’t find its way into her pockets and through her fingers.

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