The first month

Angie has been in her apartment for a month as of Thursday of this week and I am finding her attitude much nicer to deal with. If I can’t send her money right when she wants it she does not cop an attitude, she just says ok and works with it. No yelling or anything. Even when Andy wanted another 500.00 last week, I said no and was met with a nice and calm response. At the same time I am making sure I can put aside extra money for savings each week that she will have no idea about. This little stash will help me work through things as Christmas, birthdays and just keeping a little cash on the side for emergencies which she does not believe in doing. She will thank me in the end when we can pay for presents that she could never do before.

Very nice weekend

We have auditors coming into work starting Monday morning which will make this week a bit hectic but I have had to deal with them before and can do it again. Looking forward to a great week!

Concentrate on other areas now

Now that things seem to be going really well now I can start concentrating on Blender and coding again. While trying to work things out with Angie I started a new course in Python programing. This instructor is quite good and at the same time I am converting each lesson in the Python course into an equivalent C# program an so far so good. It helps a lot keeping up with C# skills and a the same time learning Python. What I don’t understand while doing this exercise is why people who program primarily in one language don’t like another. C# is a strongly typed language using curly brackets and other special types of syntax in the code but Python is not strongly typed and used white space and indentation where C# would use curly brackets. I think partially because of this Python is at time easier to read as well as shorter line count wise. I have also decided to create the same examples in VBA as well. Having those three languages under by belt (plus a smattering of SQL) could make me a more rounded programmer regardless of what I wanted to work in be it Blender, Excel addins or a C# application for my windows computer or phone.

My mood was fantastic this weekend, she called four times, twice on Saturday and twice on Sunday.

This is going to be a fantastic week!

Getting comfortable

Angie is starting to get comfortable, asking for money when she needs it, not talking much unless she actually needs something, things that used to piss the heck out of me. Now I’m just happy she seems to be back. Last week she asked for money for Mothers day, I sent her what I could and asked her to ‘not over spend’. The last time I did this was for Easter and boy was that a mess when she was short and I did not react instantaneously. What happens? She over spent by 25.00 or so, I made the comment that I had asked her not to overspend and that I’ll take care of it. Her response was ‘Oh hell no’, my response right back was ‘Oh hell yes, I am not going through what I went through the last time you were short again’. She then apologized which is something quite new.

Next up she sends me a message yesterday that she needs to get the baby mattress ordered because she is coming today or tomorrow. Well I can’t do that because I gave her everything for Mothers day, now what do I do. CRAP!!

I need to temper what I give her, saving what I can and just not give her everything I can and hold back to place into savings. What she does not know I have won’t find its way into her pockets and through her fingers.

She did not listen – There is difference between this week and next week.

As I said last week, I told Angie we could pay her dad back next week which would be this week. She told her dad we would pay her back this week which at the time she said it would be last week. I don’t know what she was thinking. I was at complete loss for what I was supposed to do. She ended up telling me she was going to ask him to take care of the money for her dad but would then need tell him everything that has been going on and would be meeting with him in an hour. I spent a good amount of time praying for an answer to this problem and one came to me. I was able to link my AM EX card to my paypal account and then transfer the 480.00 to her with 20 minutes to spare. Now I can pay myself back this week like I was going to for her dad.

What am I to do now

Angie decided to get an apartment. I said I would help with the payments, not pay, help with the payments. When she told me she was going to do this soon I told her OK but keep me informed. Well, after the fiasco on Easter where she wanted money for presents then over spent, got mad when I did not replace the over spent money immediately. A couple days later her alternator went out and we needed to purchase a new one for 250.00 and have it installed for another 200.00. That would be 550.00 for Easter and 450.00 or 1000.00 between the two. Then she turns around and says she needs money for her apartment but does not tell me what she needs and during all of this time she has never told me where the apartment is going to be, how much the rent will be, in other words she has not an anytime kept me informed of anything. Now she is mad I don’t have the 400.00 for a deposit, 150.00 to transfer the electricity and them 480.00 for rent. I was able to come up with the 550.00 for her (deposit and electricity), the 480.00 rent I have no idea where that will come from. She said something about asking her dad but I don’t know about that. We can pay him back next week but this next couple months will now be really tight. I don’t have a problem if I don’t have to pay out the extra 800.00/month have been giving her and Andy. Time will tell what I am to do next.