Great Friday

It was an entirely great week last. I took Monday and Tuesday off and Angie called me at work Friday. I surprised the heck out of her by answering the phone. I used to ignore any calls I get from family or friends while at work but from now on I do not ignore her calls (unless I am in a meeting or the bathroom). I talked to her in the after noon on Friday after I got home.

Now yesterday I received a really strange message. It said “Is there anyway Andy needs 45.00 today is there anyway. You will have to text my husband is almost here he called and said he was coming up for something”

I’ll need to ask her about it because there is absolutely no way I will ever text him and I will never acknowledge him as her husband and I do not us that last name unless it is absolutely necessary. My thoughts are she was missing some periods and or commas in the sentence structure, I’m hoping that is the case anyway.

Her old tricks and one reason I love her

She was up to her old tricks again this week. Getting pissed off for really no reason, tried to break it off. I just relaxed, explained certain things and told her to go back and read the messages.

She thought I was ignoring her when she told me she was short at the store and needed to dip into money for Andy’s rent and money she needed to apply for an apartment on Monday. I didn’t react immediately and send her money because I figured I could do it in the morning. Because I did not do it right then she thought I was taking the stance that it was not my problem, you spent money you didn’t have so deal with it. That could not be further from the case. After I explained she seems to have calmed down and all seems to be back to normal now.

I really have to watch my actions with her.

What a soap opera

I received a text from Angie at 2:00 am on Wednesday morning telling me she is not going to wait 6 months but needs to get things done one and a time and wants everything done legally. This means me paying for her apartment or storage until she gets the apartment. Probably her internet and extras as well.

We spoke on Thursday which was really nice and again on Saturday when I paid for her internet to be turned back on.

Things are going to work out but I just need to have patience and quit letting my mind wander off into stupid land like it was for a while.