It’s a guy thing

This weekend I did my laundry as usual but this time I did not check my pockets for change, paper receipts, keys…. ink pens… and yes I left an ink pen in the pocket of one of my shirts. This little f-up cost me everyone of my favorite shirts. At 25.00 to 30.00 a pop that is a little chunk of change my friends. Especially when Angie keeps asking for money.

If she is ‘supposed’ try for six months on this marriage how come he isn’t taking care of the expenses? Medications when she is sick, bed for her grand babies?

If she needs things or wants to give gifts for the grand babies so she is not embarrassed I’ll be more than happy to take care of it as long as her plans to end this stupid marriage are truthful and she is giving the extra money I give her to Andy to pay off that debt.

Because I am not around her or talk to her all the time my mind tends to wander and believe me that is not a good thing.

I have been spending a lot of time going through the PMBOK guide, fifth addition, PMBOK being Project Manager Body of Knowledge. This is the beginning of my preparation for the Project Manager Professional certificate I plan on getting this year. They were giving this class to us for free here at work but I got tired of waiting so I enrolled in a Udemy class of the same topic myself. One week before they announced the class was still a go here. If I keep up the work I should be complete before my coworkers.

Things are looking up

Last week was a great week for communication between Angie and me. There were no fights, she got to play three card poker for Valentines day just like she asked. I was able to send Andy the 1500.00 for the truck he wanted and started paying off his other debt. I talked to her Friday night and I may have pinged her too much on Saturday but she called and asked a simple question. She is going to tell the idiot that her dad bought her the phone that I did and wanted to know if I wanted the number to stay on the phone or place it on the broken phone. All I said was I would prefer her to leave the number on the phone I purchased but she can do whatever she wants. Her response was, ‘I will do what you prefer I do’. She left it at that, even after I reiterated that she can do what she wants she said, no ‘I’ll do what you want’. This simple statement she made along with the tone of her voice during our entire conversation was so much like we used to be.

Love you Angie….

Great Weekend

Things seem to be looking up between Angie and me. She told her husband she wants a divorce last Sunday which would be the first step in us correcting the mistakes from the last six months. I’m totally sure how everything went but she seemed comfortable telling me about it and we have been getting along quite well so far. I feel really good about this but I can’t help but be nervous and this just goes along with my experience with women.

New Story Dice roll.