Doesn’t seem to be my year

What do I mean by that. Back, late 2014 I had found out that Desiree had passed away and I send multiple requests to her ex and sons for answers as in ‘what happened’? A couple weeks ago, as you know I found out she committed suicide. This was a total shock and very heartbreaking.

A few months back, I don’t recall exactly when, Angie stopped talking to me. She ‘lost’ her phone and wanted a new one at which point I reminded her she has insurance on the phone and just go pick out a new one. She hung up the and proceeded to do just that. I also, never heard from her again. I check the phone line a saw that no texts had been sent or received on the line and no data had been used. The phone had never been used and I could not get ahold of her. Long story short I suspended the line and still never heard from her and emails would go unanswered. I sent a message to one of her sons on Friday and found out she was married.

Great……. now I am truly alone


Adding to my geekeyness (I’m pretty sure that is not a word) and creating my smart home I added a Nest thermostat last Friday. It took me a total of a half hour to install and so far it works great. I brought the literature to work with me today so I can start programing it. I’ll keep you informed

I did have a really good cry regarding Desiree Friday as well. I’m sorry I could not have helped more.