The ‘OR’ gate. This gate creates a signal at the output when either one ‘OR’ the other inputs has a signal. In the electronic world this means if there is a positive five (+5) volts at either one or the other inputs of the ‘OR’ gate there will be a positive five (+5) volts at the output. In digital speak a one (1) at either input, or both of the ‘OR’ gate will equal a one (1) at the output. zero (0) volts at both or all inputs will result in a zero (0) output. In Minecraft if you have a Redstone signal at either input (torch, lever, pressure plate etc.) it will result in a Redstone signal at the output. The picture below shows an active signal on the right side and the light on at the output
I have found the secret to loose the weight I need to loose now I just need to establish some self control during the weekend. I’m quite certain when I move into my new apartment I will have no problem with the self control because there will no free breakfasts on the weekends. I need the self control over ordering pizza and so fourth.
I spent quite a bit of time learning about working with Redstone in Minecraft this weekend. I find it strange how difficult it has been to find sources of information on building Redstone projects. Until yesterday. I found a very good four part series walking through the basics of Redstone and its interaction with other objects. It appeared that this YouTube post was for teaching a developer for the makers of Minecraft on how it is used. He did not go through actual contraptions as they could get large and complex, he went through the basics of say creating a logical ‘AND’ gate or an ‘OR’ gates inverters, logical ‘NOT’ gate as well as how the information or Minecraft electricity is transmitted. Using that foundation I created my first project today and below are some pictures.
Then next step will be to add a lever which will turn the machine off when not needed and on when the mobs come 🙂
The potato diet along with exercise seems to be the ticket. Last week I set my goal to exercise everyday of the week and eat the potato diet at the same time. I ended in a bad way and had pizza this weekend and was sick (cold or an allergy of some sort) Monday and Tuesday so the exercise was limited those two days as well as Saturday and Sunday. I had not planned on exercising those days. When I weighed myself this morning I had still lost 5lbs. Now those results I can live with!
… driving me bonkers. I do great during the week and then crash on the weekend. Trying something new this week and weekend. I’ll let you know how it goes. Other items on my list:
The Book (ya, that one)
My move next month
Buying all the furniture that go with “The Move”
Accounts that go with “The Move”
I have decided, along with information on using Git with Visual Studio I have decided to include a project. I won’t say what project but it may provide the residual income I have been looking for. I’m confident this will make or break the book project.
New site covering miscellaneous activities including my favorite activity: Blender