Educational Frustration

I found this frustration in High school on into College as well. This frustration would be having to read up on topics I already know quite well. It makes the education process very boring. Case in point; I’m reading the book “ASP.NET 4.5.1 in C# and VB”, I am at “Chapter 5: Programming Your ASP.NET Web Pages” section “Data Types and Variables”. I am quite familiar with this topic and am not too keen on reading about the topic all over again. My quandary would be, if I skipped the sections I may be bored with will I miss something? I don’t know so I then go ahead and read the section boring the heck out of myself and not really absorbing the information like I should. This usually results in missing items they may have snuck in there and I don’t notice.

By the way this is a very good book and highly recommend it. It may say you can’t use Visual Studio Community 2015 with this I am not having any problems.