
Being a diehard fan of DOOM II, the old low resolution version, I can’t believe I have not played Minecraft before. The weekend before last I was poking around Amazon.com and found a trinket called Gameband. It has Minecraft already loaded, saves your status to their servers and being stand alone you can plug it into any USB on any computer and play as if you are on your home computer (wish they had one for DOOM II as well). I had Minecraft on my phone since it came out but never really got into it until I started playing it on my PC that weekend. Boy did I become hooked. I plug in at work in the morning and grab a fix, grab another fix at lunch and when I get home it is game on!

I can understand how the game sucks you in with the great sound effects as you are walking through some of the caves with monsters lurking around you. The great view you get climbing that mountain you were looking at this morning even though the resolution is what it is the sun rises and sets look great to.

I created my first home base within a ravine and build my house in between the small hills on either side. Behind me was rock and areas to explore and I thought this was a good place to keep camp.

I created a crafting table, made some a stone sword, axe and pickaxe, with these I started on a little expedition. Upon finding some chickens, sheep and pigs running around I started finding ways to catch and kill them for food. After a bit of chasing I soon realized I was lost. What a horrible feeling and it is only a game! To make a long story short night time came and I was overwhelmed by the mobs….

The next thing I know I’m back at my starting point, no sword, axe or pickaxe. Nothing…. time to start over.. Let us go looking for our house.

To be continued…..