This week I have spent most of my time with in Unity 5. Understanding and digesting what has changed has been a little difficult as there is no comprehensive list of changes. I have found the best way to achieve this is to work through the Unity Learning tutorials. I finished the Roll-a-Ball mini game and found quite quickly if there may be an issue with some code. Unity will catch the change and try to make the change for you, handy to say the least. One thing I have found and you are not warned about are the GUI differences and that is because the legacy GUI items e.g. GUIText is still available just not from your typical game object menu list as before. Because of this, the code will still work and you will not receive any compile errors however your results will not be what you expect. With a little searching of the web, YouTube, Unity Answers or the Unity Community you can find the solution you are looking for and if you study the code you can actually understand what is happening.
An old problem I have had was using Visual Studio as my default script editor. Each time I would pick a script to edit a new instance of Visual Studio would be opened instead of a new tab in the existing instance. Well, today there was a post in Unity Answers that addressed this specific issue and I was able to get this working beautifully today. In that same post there was a link to “Visual Studio 2013 Tools for Unity” and just reading about some of the features and they look very promising, love the API reference right in Visual Studio 🙂