List of items to complete by 2016 (Two year last as I have to make room for work), some may be easy and some may be more difficult.
1) Pilot – Organic modeling, only major hurdle is the head (Difficult)
2) Christmas competition – Started too late this year (Relatively easy to complete)
3) Unity for Absolute Beginners – 60% complete, just some final touch-ups (Easy)
4) Create an Addon – Never done before, similar to Jonathan Williamson’s but for my workflow (Medium)
5) Architecture Academy 1.5 – (Easy)
6) Personal project – I have wanted to model a Me262 for a long time. (Medium to Difficult)
7) Unity Game Assets – I have Air Conditioners, Flat Televisions, Three different models of computers and Kitchen (Easy thru Difficult)
I think that really good for a start and all are achievable this year (crossing fingers).
(I’ll do it…)