Latest Health Update

After my latest appointments with my primary care physician and the cardiologist, I do not have another appointment with the primary care for four to five months and the next appointment with the cardiologist is not until January 16 of 2015. Cardio Therapy began this week and went well and I will be participating Monday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next three months.

There was a confusion with one of my medications because my primary care doctor did not renew one of the three medications I called in for renewal. Not being one that knows anything about medications I figured I would renew the ones they called in and ask about the other when I saw him. Well, I asked about it when I saw the cardiologist because my blood pressure was quite high when I was there and it turns out the one medication they did not call in was the most important medication I take. I had to purchase a BP monitor and now watch my pressure during the day from now on, calling in if it stays high so they can adjust as necessary. To date my blood pressure has remained good, the last reading I took at 3:00pm today was 124/77 with a heart rate of 75, all pretty dang good.

I saw that Andrew Price has announce a new Christmas competition. I think  will enter this one with a subject of “Hotel Christmas – “.

Well, feeling better and hope to be back to work soon.

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