I had started over with this book because of some minor issues I had been having which turned into major issues and have been plugging along quite well. I am now past my previous point in the book (chapter 9) and have moved a good amount into uncharted territory (chapter 10). The errors within this book are starting to stack up and it has become very apparent the author did not do much proofing nor did they have a very astute technical reviewer if any. It appears who ever reviewed this books project did not follow the project past a certain point. There are assets which magically appear in the book without creation or import. Chapter 10 started out referencing a function with in a script it does not exist in (it does exist but in another script) and eventually gets back on track referencing the correct script. If you are paying close attention to what you are doing and where different functions are called these type of errors are noticed and worked through with no problems.
All in all I am having a great time using Unity and this book. The author is close to completing another book to be released within a month or so and with their comments in the Unity forums they understand the problems from this book and I look forward to this new release. I have learned much from this book and will definitely purchase the new book when it is available.