I have been playing with my Google Glass the last couple of weeks and as I had suspected, it is a rather expensive toy. Don’t get me wrong I do like playing with this toy and I am learning to use more and more of the features all the time. One item I really like is the ability to look at my eBooks using the Amazon reader in a web browser. I can pull up one of my reference books (Unity, Blender, Access etc.), look up an issue/problem I am having at the moment and without taking my eyes off the screen (almost) get a solution and continue with my project. This came in handy with some scripting errors I had in Unity.
The next new toy/program is the result of a new pricing structure for Unreal Engine 4. Just starting with Unity (the Free version) and wanting to see what the other game engines could do at 19.00 a month without any penalty for canceling the subscription I thought what the hell, I love learning new things especially in the 3d world so why not go for it. To me the 19.00 is well worth it when I usually can not get as much use out of any free 30 day trials I have ever downloaded. This way, it is up to me as to the amount of time I need to experiment and I can cancel at any time if I decide it is not for me or I feel Unity has everything I need. 30 days to try Unity Pro like I said is not enough for a hobbyist to experiment with all the bells and whistles and what makes Unreal so attractive is when or if I cancel the subscription I can still use the program uninhibited. I just can’t get updates to the software although I would still owe them a 5% royalty off the gross profits which of course would be a cost of doing business so the 5% is not exactly 5% when you look a the tax deductions involved. A tax deduction is not a dollar for dollar savings but it does lower that 5% figure.
Having more choices at my finger tips at the beginning of my adventure into new hobbies is great as far as I am concerned and at 19.00 for this first 30 days is a no brainer.