Well, the free License is finished however I did not use any of the advanced features anyway. I WILL NOT pay 1,500.00 for a piece of software no mater how great it is if I will not be using it to make some money. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. I found a great tutorial, only watched one minute but liked the layout. When my 30 days ran out yesterday I figured things out and here is my new layout. I like it. I can see the ‘scene’ and ‘game’ view at the same time as well as
I also downloaded “World Machine”, dang this is some cool software. The free version is limited to a certain extent but loading into Unity and playing with the world will be so much fun.
Watched ‘The Santa Clause’, ‘The Santa Clause 2’ and ‘The Santa Clause 3: Escape Clause’ about three times each the last few days. Watch them, they are good.