Take the time to clean up the model

I took the time today or rather this evening to clean up some models I have been working on and I must say I am in love with Meshlint. Of all the items it checks for the one I love is telling you the name of your object is not that great. Reminding you to rename your objects. I wish it had an option within the addon to change the name right there. Hmmmm maybe that can be added.

Need to switch to Camtasia

Looks like I will need to switch my focus to Camtasia recordings until at least the first week of September. For our SAP/cERP training, the book is alright for reference but the guys I work with really need the visual experience of watching a person going through the motions of what they are trying to accomplish. Since I can access our cERP system from home I will be going through the book, chapter by chapter and creating small videos for the teams reference. I’ll start tomorrow when I get home. To bad I will not be able to publish these outside of work (they will contain trade secrets)

The Contours Retopology Tool

Purchased this new tool from CGCookie yesterday and all I could say was wow! Since starting the Character Modeling project and working with the Dynamic Topology tools and getting close to the retopology part of the project I have been hesitant to begin that portion. This project has taken a long time (in days, not hours) and has pushed me to the limit when it comes to this type of work. I find that CGCookie released a new tool to help in the process of retopology and decided to go ahead and spend the 30.00 for the beta and upgrades and I am more than impressed with this tool and it’s simplicity and in a sentence, the addon just works. This weekend I will upload a couple simple pictures of me just playing around with the sculpting tools, not making anything close to impressive and the difference it makes (plus its fun).

I am very surprised by the response of some individuals on BlenderNation from the likes of:

‘harris3d’: “This is obvious a Modo’s contour tool copy ! That would be illegal to distribute it and much more to charge for it, selling it is way illegal Jonathan.”

Then the moron had the audacity of posting his own blog as proof of his statements… I know, logical huh?

I guess he doesn’t know the meaning of the word ‘Libel’ and it’s implications since he posted online for all to see and never be removed, ya again logical.

Just in case he runs across this and wants a definition of the word:

Libel is defined as defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures.

Defamation—also called calumny, vilification, or traducement—is the communication of a false statement that harms the reputation of an individual, business, product, group, government, religion or nation. (This harris3d is actually illegal)


Happy Friday everyone!!   🙂

Sit back and think for a bit and the answer will come

When I got home I looked at the node setups I had, both techniques of creating the vignette, other than changing the ellipse mask node from multiply as Andrew has it to Add (the only way it works, at least in 2.68a) I could see nothing technically wrong with the node setup. Then I used the image files I ‘Normally’ use, the multilayer .exr files and it worked! Note to self; use multilayer .exr files for your compositing and use the .png or .jpg files for your final images.

Lounge_Room_Final_ClrFinal image (Black & White was nice as well)