Lounge Room Final

Here is the final render of the Lounge Room from The Architecture Academy. I had a problem with the Vignette causing some strange artifacts so I left it off until I could straighten that out but it is really not needed for an architectural render.


Compositing multiple images

A question was asked a few days ago on The Architecture Academy and nobody seems to want to answer the question. In a nutshell the person wants to composite together multiple images because his computer can’t seem to render the entire scene the way he wants at one time. So I decided to try this out. I created three images, one for all walls and lighting, one for all the objects within the room (less the rug) and one for just the rug. After these images are complete through their render I will post them. Then I will post the composite image of the three.

 Here are two of the three images I am using. The first one is of the rug by itself with an alpha channel and the second is the room, without any objects however all of the objects are producing shadows and affecting the light in some way  or another.

03_RugRug rendered alone with alpha channel only

02_RoomRender with the effects of all objects in the scene (shadows etc.) without actually rendering all of the objects

01_ObjectsThis a render of all the objects with a transparent (alpha) background

00_Composite_nodesUsing this simple node setup (Three Image inputs + two Alpha Over) = One output to further composite

00_CompositeI will use this output for further composting (vignette etc.)

Stay tuned for the final composite in the next post.

Earlier than Me?

People tried to get into work early this morning and were surprised someone was here (me). By 5:15 this morning I had four people occupying my space and not allowing me to do my morning Blender and videos. At least it is Friday and I can catch up tonight 🙂

Render Layers

It looks like in order to render this first Architecture Academy I will have to render the Rug in a different render layer than the rest of the scene and then combine all the layers in the compositor. The only problem is I can’t remember exactly how to do this. Johnathan Williamson to the rescue with his Architectural Visualization Course that uses this technique. Time for a little studying.

Found the problem

I seem to have figured out the rendering problem with my Architecture Academy Lounge Room. I was using the “Experimental” rendering option for the shag carpet, thinking that I needed to., I had never tried it without using that option. When I changed the option to “Supported” everything seems to be working just fine. As soon as this render completes I’ll post the picture. It is not complete, that will be the next post but It gives you an idea and looks little like someone is moving in 🙂

Problems Rendering

Question for everyone that may wish to answer. What would be the problem with an asset you are apending to your scene that would cause the render to error out right after calculating the BVH. This is what is happening to my Lounge Room scene from The Architecture Academy. At the present time I have removed all the assets from the scene and I am added them back in one at a time. It looks like it might be the large potted plant in the corner but I can’t figure out why it keeps erring out because of that particular object. So, needless to say, I don’t have a render to post for posterity.

I also made a rather serious error at work today. I know, I know I don’t usually make serious errors but this is a large one. Not so large I can’t fix but it will take some time. I deleted all but ten parts from and mBOM, not using an ECM to track the changes which means I can’t go back in time and fix it. I fortunately have a excel copy of the mBOM I can copy and paste to recreate it but I will need to copy individually the Object Dependency data. Oops, chock that one up to live and learn.

What a weekend

I was hoping to have at least one day off this weekend but first thing Saturday morning I get phone calls from work with a need for some help. I did not need to physically go in but I spent three hours helping out from my dining room (in my boxers of course). Then on Sunday I spent another 16 hours at an absolutely unnecessary meeting which I finally, quietly walked out on at eight pm which is a couple hours past my bed time.

I planned on working on the modules from the Architecture Academy in the mornings both days but the phone call killed that idea and the 16 hours on Snuffed that as soon as Rick showed up to work at five thirty. Well I got my time in and close to finishing that first module so I can get back to my Pilot. Here is a first render of the Lounge Room from The Architecture Academy.


CGcookie – Courses

cgcookie.com has really stepped up to the plate these last few weeks with an abundance of interviews and new courses. With the length and quality being produced they have really raised the bar!

If you have not, check them out.


Strange Stress Relief

This may sound a little strange but last night I woke up with the answer. I need to work longer and harder showing some progress with the task that has been assigned to me. So, I am now working 14hrs per day allowing me to show adequate progress for myself, to myself and this will not allow anybody to call meetings extend them too long and drive me crazy. Sounds like a strange fix but it sure worked today 🙂