Outlook Problem

Wondering if anyone has had this problems before. I have Outlook 2010 at work and use my iPhone to access it as well. Two weeks ago I noticed when I read an email on my phone it would not show up on my desktop at work, not in a read or unread status. I thought this was my phone acting up so I turned work email off on the phone and yesterday notices if I was at one desk and reading my email, when I logged off and went to my other desk all email I received while sitting at the other desk would not show up at the other desk and vice versa.  Our emails are never stored on our desk machines so I am sure everything is still on the server just not downloading to the desktops. Has anyone had that problem before? I am sure no one else is reading this but it helps me solve some problems. 🙂


It may freaking snow tonight!!! It is almost MAY!