There are so many things to play with in this new release it is hard to stop playing around. From the Rigid Body, Hair Rendering with Cycles to Dynamic Topology can’t make up my mind on what to play with when I get home and crank up the computer. So, it is time to stop playing and finish what I have been working on then play. đŸ™‚
To many toys!
P.S. If there are people out there that have purchased a Dell/Alienware computer lately I have noticed a problem. While typing the cursor seems to move randomly in the middle of a sentence. This has happened multiple times and did so 6 times writing the sentences above. I was able to solve this issue by disabling the touch pad when a USB device is used. This does not make much sense because I type without any other parts of my body touching the keyboard with the exception of my finger tips. Anyway, it worked if anyone else might be experiencing this issue.