Temple Part 05

I completed part 1 of the Temple tutorial last night and as it turns out the problem I was having with the roof tiles was not a problem at all. The tiles were showing up on the roof but in different orientations for each side of the roof and I was perplexed. I decided to wait, see what he was going to do because things looked different on my computer, try his way or a work around I came up with. As it turns out, my ‘work around’ was actually the way he ended up completing the process. 🙂

So, part 1 is complete and on to part 2 this morning (1:45am again), sky and a light set up so I could get a first look at the cycles render. Here are two pictures showing an internal render with temporary lights set up and a screen shot starting part 2.

 Temporary Lights, no textures (Blender Internal)

Starting Part 2, rendering with Cycles. I am actually a little bit farther than this but forgot to take a screen shot before left for work this morning.