Early Morning

This was an early morning for me. I rolled out of bed at 1:45am, turned on computer washed dishes while it was starting because I did not wash them last night and got to working in Blender. I found that some of the different techniques I had used during the modeling of the Temple, even though they worked, did not work with some of his techniques for the tiles on the roof which meant I had to fix things. This turned out to be a good thing as I then realized that I was catching on to all the keyboard shortcuts and modeling tools Blender has without having to look at books or backup in the tutorial. All the information I needed was sitting right in my noggin. This little fact made my day start off great. Tonight I should have all the tiles on the roof and begin the second part of the tutorial, rendering and compositing in cycles. Great morning so far 🙂

The Spaceship corridor is going slowly while I figure out some of my own touches to add to the bulkhead, Sci-Fi gadgets and such.

No additional pictures today, like I said I was just re-modeling and having fun with the new tool set that is embedding itself into my brain.

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