Ocean Scene Part 3

I was not able to finish the final render last night, it was going to take to long to render the .exr files I would need for compositing (1.5 hrs) so I rendered while I went to bed and I will finish up tonight. Here is the first render and starting of the compositing.

First Render

Compositing in Blender

You will notice, on the left side I have to input nodes one for the alpha channel and one for the full .exr image. However, in the tutorial the top node (full image) has all the outputs I need for the composite so I’m not sure if I really need the second (lower) node. This is the difference between the version the tutorial was created from and my version. Changes are made to Blender on a daily basis 🙂

I can also see a line between the ocean modifiers resolution (20 and 16). I may have to up the 16 a little bit to eliminate that line. I’ll finish compositing before I do that.